Donor Advised Funds
When making a donation to The Kaiārahi Trust, the Donor will advise the Trustees of their chosen charity or causes their donated funds (or invested returns of their donated or loaned funds) should benefit.
The Trustees will consider approval of grants to the various charities and causes based on the following criteria:
Alignment with Donor intent and wishes
Alignment with stated Values of the Kaiārahi Trust
Recipient is a NZ Registered Charity or incorporated society with clearly stated charitable objectives that are aligned with The Kaiārahi Trust Deed.
In special circumstance the Trustees will also consider grants that are aligned with the Kaiārahi Trust Deed to:
Individuals based in N.Z. who are carrying out clearly defined charitable activity
Projects to advance or promote charitable activity in NZ
Scholarships or Awards to benefit the advancement of aligned charitable activity
International charitable organisations – limited to 25% of a donors total donations per year
NOTE: For clarity the Trustees will not approve grants for:
Membership fees, or any contribution to an organisation that may personally benefit an individual associated with The Kaiārahi Trust.
Political organisations, candidates or lobby groups